Everyone who believes should be praying for peace Tennessee volunteers this is how i save the world face mask What a profound statement – ‘Everyone is praying, but nobody’s listening to what God is saying.’ Let that sink in just a little.
Tennessee volunteers this is how i save the world face mask
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13) “A new command I give you: Love one another. Tennessee volunteers this is how i save the world face mask As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35. Don’t mistake people who say they are Christians with those who actually follow Christ’s teachings. So much integrity=what’s happened to our country!? We’ve sunk so terribly low. He is right” What Are We The People Going To Do About It.” I have no Respect our corrupt government. Ever see those huge Machine that Roll over new Asphalt. Well as long as WE sit on our asses and do nothing.
corrupt government will keep on rolling over US until there’s nothing left of US. Pray is always good. But GOD made US and wants US to Live. So are WE going to Live Free. Are WE going to Win back our right to Live Free. Measured and thoughtful, gently challenging us all to consider how our light is spent, as individuals, as a country and a world. Thank you Mr President. And that’s why I predicted he would become president …but he also became a great and inspirational man… whom still today at his advanced age is light years ahead of Donald Trumps infantile bravado and self gratification … I like Jimmy Carter Preach President Carter . We need to follow what God’s word says . Jesus gave us the example and you’re right – we talk Him but we don’t truly follow Him.

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