If you can’t provide any evident prescriptions/ recent surgical procedures to prove to us why your XYZ levels are through the roof. We will screen your second vile of urine African culture blanket (that was taken at the same time as to other test as to not jeopardize the integrity of the random test) [we take 2 small vials for each test.
African culture blanket
The second step is you review you recent medications with a physician/ doctor. If you can’t provide any evident prescriptions/ recent surgical procedures to prove to us why your XYZ levels are through the roof. We will screen your second vile of urine (that was taken at the same time as to other African culture blanket test as to not jeopardize the integrity of the random test) [we take 2 small vials for each test. The urine is to stay within your sight

at all times to ensure that the integrity of the test is not compromised. Your signature at the end of the test attest to that statement] If this too comes back as a positive test. You’re out. The patient has the ability to uphold their case in a court of law although a false positive running twice with matching results is VERY uncommon, we have never had such a case since we started our branch’s part of the program The second step is you review you recent medications with a physician/ doctor.
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