that is all that is needed, we do not have to agree, Amazing macaw beautifully designed red parrot poster but disagreements should be talked about, not handled with harassment and violence. Just saying, if the shoe were on the other foot, this would be a whole other conversation.
Amazing macaw beautifully designed red parrot poster
because those people can’t stand the thought of someone disgreeing with them. Not to mention those who go down Hillary’s path and are arrogant and condescending to someone doesn’t agree with them. Sadly our whole country is being manipulated and lied to by the so called news media. You can tell by reading the comments who would be dumb enough to vote for moron waters….excuse me. Amazing macaw beautifully designed red parrot poster Maxie pad waters. No that’s not right either. Oh well. You know who I’m talking about. Way to go Star Parker.

Everyone has a right to express difference of opinions in a peaceful respectful way. But Maxine Waters is trying to declare war and divide our country. We need to unify and strengthen our country; not divide it. Pray America…Pray!!! is a bully and her own party thinks that is true. If someone one the right called for the harassment of Democrats, there would be an outcry like no other and probably violence. Those people harassed at dinners and in the stores have handled themselves with grace and dignity which is more than can be said for Maxine Waters. Civility, decency,
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