The only ones in my life is my life is family n even there I’m picky. America farmer country life quilt Once betrayed is enough for me. could not agree more. Its been 10 months since my best friend passesd at 53. There is not a day goes by that I don’t think of her or muss her. Part of me died with her.
America farmer country life quilt
yes I am blessed to have friends they are my sisters I don’t have sisters from my mother but they are my sisters we’ve been best friends since elementary school their mother was my second mother our mothers was friends too because of us I lost my mother first and they were there for me they felt the pain that I felt their mother let me know that America farmer country life quilt I still had a mother then they lost their mother it was like me losing my mother all over again God bless me with two families

and we’re getting older but we still there for each other our children are there for each other so God bless you and your sisters can’t wait to see you you and me Iare 2 lucky ladies It makes me happy n sad that so many people have had friends like that in their lives. I have no friends n haven’t had any since my mid to late twenties. I lost all trust in so called friends. The ones I had all betrayed me so for my self protection I dont put myself out there.
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