I was glued to the TV, terrified someone I knew was hurt. American flag camping quilt My residents were sitting at the table, laughing, doing a jigsaw puzzle. I don’t intend to underestimate what they’ve been through. I just admire how carefree they can be.
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my husband works as a home health aide and hospice aide because he feels a strong calling to do that work but his company does not pay a liveable wage plus he has to travel hundreds of miles with his own car. There is also such a shortage overall but especially with men. I really pray that you get some more people to support your needs. Now I am a behavioral therapist and plan to spend American flag camping quilt my life working with people with developmental/physical disabilities. It’s so rewarding. But as some of the comments above noted,

in the US, DSPs are paid minimum wage much of the time and it’s unfortunately not a sustainable career (which is why I am a therapist now). No, in Germany DSP‘s are also payed very low and everyone who needs them is struggling to find someone to work for that wage. So I think the situation ist comparable. I worked as a DSP the last four years and we were struggeling the whole time to find new women (mostly students and mothers) who were willing to do the job. when I say that, I think of the time a gunman opened fire a couple towns down from where I live.
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