And in the 1930s, unions won exemption from anti-trust litigation. american flag united states navy full over printed shirt COSTING The calculation of how much a change in wages, benefits, differentials, and other economic factors cost the employer.
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DOUBLE BREASTED OPERATION – A condition where an employer operates two closely related companies—one with a union contract and one without. american flag united states navy full over printed shirt Under such operation, the employer will normally assign most of the work to the non-union segment of its two companies. DE MINIMIS – Short for the Latin phrase, de minimis non curat lex, which means the law does not concern itself about trifles. This phrase may be used to describe a violation of law which is so small that it is not worth litigating. DAVIS-BACON ACT – Federal law passed in 1931 by Republican legislators and signed by President Herbert Hoover, that provides for the payment of wages by contractors engaged in construction,
alteration or repair of public buildings or Federal contracts that must be no lower than locally prevailing wages and benefits for the same kind of work. These wage rates are fixed by the secretary of labor. DANBURY HATTERS’ CASE – The Danbury Hatters’ Case (Loewe v. Lawlor 208 US 274) was decided in 1908 by the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1902 the hatters’ union, the United Hatters of North America, called for a nationwide boycott of the products of a nonunion hat manufacturer in Danbury, Conn., “The Hat City”. The manufacturer, D.E. Loewe & Company, brought suit against the union for unlawfully combining to restrain trade in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The Supreme Court by a vote of 9-0, held that the union was subject to an injunction and liable for the payment of treble damages. In effect, this decision outlawed secondary boycotts. This precedent for federal court interference with labor activities was later modified by statutes.

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