I believe many of these things but it’s just because of head trauma and an inflated ego. I, and the rest of the “get your helmet” siblings, take offense to this. And into the ocean i go to lose my mind and find my soul turtle poster Want to cut your dick off due to mental issues? Can’t take snide remarks without needing a lawyer and a safe space?
And into the ocean i go to lose my mind and find my soul turtle poster
What is due process for an illegal alien, per our immigration laws that were put into place long before Trump, they get caught, if they have no documentation they are detained, then they are deported, stop parroting your lib leaders and try thinking for yourself Do you want to be immune to facts? Scream about conspiracy theories And into the ocean i go to lose my mind and find my soul turtle poster that fall apart with the slightest scrutiny? Hate anyone who doesn’t look and act exactly like you? Push laws restricting freedom

while saying how much you love freedom? Put loyalty to party above loyalty to country? Be wrong about economics for 40 years but still insist only you know what you are talking about? Bail out banks while claiming to hate socialism? Well then, you sound like a perfect fit for the conservative movement! Conservatives: sure, you’re going to work until the day you die penniless, but at least you’ll be able to look down your nose on gay people! This is a really unfair post elder brother.
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