we are suppose to lead others that’s all not hate them And she loved a little girl very very much elephant quilt why do entertainers think for one minute that anyone puts any weight on their opinions on politics or anything else? We don’t..How foolish on their part to alienate half their fan base.
And she loved a little girl very very much elephant quilt
This is so dangerous. The left are pushing the entertainers and sports figures to do this because they are desperate for votes , and they know some of these people have lots of impressionable followers who will do as they say. Wake up America , before it’s too late Talk about a total misunderstanding of what equality is. It is not an equality of outcomes, only opportunity. It is recognizing that while people have different characteristics, And she loved a little girl very very much elephant quilt abilities and strengths—and are therefore not the same—but they all have value and worth and deserve respect. This proposed law does not respect differences.
Instead, it forces square pegs into round holes—pretending that very real differences mean nothing and creating false equivalencies. There can be nothing good that comes of this. Trying to get people to live a godly life is not hatred we Do not hate anyone but we do hate the sin there is a difference I don’t know why people do not understand this if u have not read the bible may I suggest that you do so.Iam not telling you to believe I’m just saying if u do then you will see the truth we are not haters as Christians
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