that shows his customers respect. He did not tell them to chanhe their waus, he did not tell them that they would go to hell. He simply told them, Assuming i’m just an old man was your first mistake samurai shirt he cannot make that cake because he would act against his faith. That shows a lot of respect to the 2 gay men who went into his shop.
Assuming i’m just an old man was your first mistake samurai shirt
Careful with the word dumb, okay? Not very Christian to cast dispersions on me. You’ll notice that I didn’t insult the man himself… because there is no cause to behave childishly just because I disagree with what he did. Thanks for playing. he did not win the right to do this and it’s still illegal. it is not politics. Assuming i’m just an old man was your first mistake samurai shirt it is illegal. this is not a right and the baker broke the law who are far left radicals? you are nuts. they are humans shopping no different than you.
common sense is following laws and not discriminating. i do know what the holy bible says about homosexuality. it also says one should not judge lest ye be judged yourself. unless you missed that bit. re-read my comment. let it sink in. if you still disagree, you only support the parts of the bible which support your point. i’m not a liberal. and this business owner had the freedom to discriminate… clearly, because he won his case. but it was, in fact, discrimination based on religion which caused him to turn away the betrothed couple.
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