bake two cakes! what jack did won no treasure-points in heaven, Autism awareness it’s ok to be different buffalo bills shirt introduced no one to jesus, and only brought attention to himself and his tight-fisted piety. what a missed opportunity to show the generous hospitality of jesus!”
Autism awareness it’s ok to be different buffalo bills shirt
And what if I have a farm and I’d like to offer it as a wedding venue? Would it be okay if I advertise it for “covenantal unions” and explain to potential customers that this is not the same as a wedding, it is for Christian marriages as defined in the Bible? Thanks for an interesting and Autism awareness it’s ok to be different buffalo bills shirt respectful discussion, by the way! also, let me post this – saw someone else post in another thread and it was one of the best things

i’ve seen here… “so would jack turn down making cakes for divorced and remarried folks as well? that prohibition is even clearer in the bible than a “david & jonathon” covenant celebration (which the bible celebrates) jesus made it clear that when a non-believer asks you to do something you don’t want to do, do twice as much for them than what they ask. walk two miles if they ask for one. if they ask for your coat, give them your undergarment as well. so wwjd in this case?
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