and health, advancing SDGs , , healthy lives and well-being and . Ecosystem- and community- based Avatar the last airbender aang 3d night light led adaptation, along with the incorporation of indigenous and local knowledge, advances synergies with SDGs , and , as exemplified in drylands and the Arctic . In recent months, three developments the
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GMSL in would be . . m higher in a warmer world compared to a . warmer world based on the confidence interval . . m based on confidence interval with a value of around .m. There is medium confidence in this assessment because of issues associated with projections of the Antarctic contribution to GMSL that are employed in emulation-based studies and the issues previously identified with SEMs Church . Few studies have explored observed changes in extreme streamflow and river flooding since the IPCC AR. Mallakpour and Villarini analysed changes of flood magnitude and frequency in the central United States by considering stream gauge daily records with at least years of data ending no earlier than . They showed that flood frequency has Avatar the last airbender aang 3d night light led increased, whereas there was limited evidence of a decrease in flood magnitude in this region. Stevens found a rise in the number of reported floods in the United Kingdom during the period , with flood events appearing more frequently towards the end of the th century. A peak was identified in , when annual rainfall was the second highest in over years. Do computed the trends in annual maximum daily streamflow data across the globe over the period. They found decreasing trends for a large number of stations in western North America and Australi and increasing trends in parts of Europe, eastern North Americ parts of South Americ and southern Africa. The long history of resilience to climatic change is especially apparent in the eastern Mediterranean region, which has experienced a strong negative trend in precipitation since Mathbout , and an intense and prolonged drought episode between and Kelley . This drought was the longest and most intense in the last years Cook . Some authors , Trigo , Kelley , assert that very low precipitation levels have driven a steep decline in agricultural productivity in the Euphrates and Tigris catchment basins, and displaced hundreds of thousands of people, mainly in Syria. Impacts on the water resources Yazdanpanah , and crop performance in Iran have also been reported Saeidi . Many historical periods of turmoil have coincided with severe droughts, for example the drought which occurred at the end of the Bronze Age approximately years ago Kaniewski . In this instance, a number of flourishing eastern Mediterranean civilizations collapsed, and rural settlements re-emerged with agro-pastoral activities and limited long-distance trade. This illustrates how some vulnerable regions are forced to pursue drastic adaptive responses, including migration and societal structure changes. Panel plots show the uncertainty distribution of the sensitivity of P E to global temperature change, averaged for most IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risk of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation regions see ure . outlined in the map from Greve . Summary of the likelihood of increasesdecreases in precipitation minus evapotranspiration P E in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase simulations considering all scenarios and a representative subset of climate models . The IPCC AR assessed that there was low confidence in the sign of drought trends since at the global scale, but that there was high confidence in observed trends in some regions of the world, including drought increases in the Mediterranean and West Africa and drought decreases in central North America and northwest Australia Hartmann , Stocker . AR assessed that there was low confidence in the attribution of global changes in droughts and did not provide assessments for the attribution of regional changes in droughts Bindoff , a. Significance of differences in regional mean precipitation and range of precipitation indices between the . and global mean temperature targets . Projected changes in the number of hot days NHD; warmest days at . and at of global warming compared to the pre-industrial period , and the difference between . and of warming . Projected changes in extremes at . and of global warming compared to the pre-industrial period , and the difference between . and of global warming . Synergies between adaptation strategies and the SDGs are expected to hold true in a . warmer world, across sectors and contexts . Synergies between adaptation and sustainable development are significant for agriculture
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