illegal discrimination is respect? wow. Baby yoda hug chick-fil-a shirt just wow. and the one thing was the one thing they ordered. illegal. eveidenly it wasn’t illegal for the owner to refuse to do something that would go against his faith.
Baby yoda hug chick-fil-a shirt
let’s just leave him be. If winning the argument would make him happy, that’s also part of our giving him respect. Unless of course he would also treat that as discrimination. its his choice.. why do we have tò dictate him..its his business! if he doesnt wnt to make ur cake.. Baby yoda hug chick-fil-a shirt then find someone else! theres a lot of bakers around! why make a scene? make a big deal about it.. and try to take his living??
my goodness! very gay! that’s incorrect. not making something for gays that you make for straights is illegal there since 08. not throwing them out, letting them in, offering them things they didn’t order/dont want, and not asking them to change/not telling them to go to hell all do not change the fact that this is illegal discrimination. he could have hugged and kissed them and it wouldn’t change this. respect?
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