Not all the kids mind you but sadly there is a segment of our society Baby yoda hug dutch bros coffee shirt that is a danger to our constitution into our country and to our way of life. And we have to explain things to them before they do something that we all will regret.
Baby yoda hug dutch bros coffee shirt
Please keep in mind that our young people have been brainwashed 4 years and you thinking that we are bad. I love my American people are my brothers and sisters and I wouldn’t care if they’re wrong I still got their back. What are government no longer works for us. and this needs to be explained. Let the Democrats especially want to destroy our constitution. And there’s video of Obama and Clinton both saying that. Baby yoda hug dutch bros coffee shirt Should get our kids to read and study the Constitution and see what a beautiful instrument that it is. And explain to them that

we are the only people in the world that have that and it must be preserved at all costs. Explain to them what the second amendment is about. And that it must not be tampered with in any way and that all of our constitutional and civil rights are to have never been tampered with in the first place. And any infringement placed on them are illegal anyway. But I have been trying to converse with the youngsters in a rational manner instead of dismissing them as idiots. You know you make them you don’t break them.
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