and in relation to the idea that religion should dictate rather than law. Religion seems to control people so completely in some ways, Baby yoda hug ucf knights shirt and that’s where his frustration comes from, especially with conservative pages that are so cruel and horrible to anyone fighting for equal rights.
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Ignore my assertion about the ethical grounds for opposing abortion, and instead start ranting about “blind faith” and accusing me of ignorance Doesn’t look so good, does it? Rene, you seem to be more interested in reasonable discussion, so I wonder if you can see that Baby yoda hug ucf knights shirt pattern here. I have supported my views with perspectives that are shared by people of varying beliefs, including pro-life atheists.

(E.g., it is not only Christians or religious people who believe the fetus is a human life with the right not to be killed.) Yet Mr. Childers seems to be under the assumption that his values and priorities are somehow more neutral and “right” than mine. I wonder how he can claim that, given that every belief or priority rests on each person’s assumptions about life, and the lack of a religious foundation is no more neutral than a religious foundation for proving those beliefs to be objectively right. I’ll think it’s more of an overall observation
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