I imagine you and I would both agree that it would be wrong for a woman to kill or abandon her infant immediately after birth. We’d say Baby yoda hug wu-tang clan shirt she at the very least has a responsibility to ensure that the infant is taken somewhere safe. I believe that responsibility is present within pregnancy as well
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Imagine you are gay, and trying to live your life, and someone says you are going to hell and should die of aids because of their RELIGION — wouldn’t you start to look at religion differently? Anyway – religious beliefs are great, but -they are optional, subjective beliefs that are applicable to our own selves only. Baby yoda hug wu-tang clan shirt Shouldn’t each woman make her own decision based on her own beliefs, be that religious, not religious, life experience, spiritually, etc etc..

You feel you would never abort and that’s your choice, not for me or anyone else to question. I feel that each person should choose for themselves, as no one can decide except the person in question. I’m just not understanding how at least for this example, why anyone would want that decision to be taken away from all of us. it comes down to a difference in whether we believe that innocent human lives are being ended. In the end, anyone can believe anything they want about who has the right to live.
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