Her only concern was that life could be harder for son Bathroom design two funny man in bathroom poster if people weren’t nice to him! She deserves the hug that he gave her!! What is wrong about this is that still in 2019 they still feel they need to apologise for being who they are.
Bathroom design two funny man in bathroom poster
I’m pretty there’s no verse where god says “tell it as it is” but what my bible does say is “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” For the negative “Christian” commenters, Bathroom design two funny man in bathroom poster how sad it must be for you all to live in such a closed mind. Any god who deems it wrong to love someone of your choosing is not a god I would dedicate my faith to.

Everyone has a right to love and be loved wether you’re straight or part of the LGBTQ community and how someone chooses to live their life is not your business or anyone else’s business so take your uppity nose and go stick it in a bible. That first mom! She’s the sweetest! Her boy was so scared even though he knew he had a loving Mom. I wish every kid coming out had the same sort of love & support that he got from His mom!
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