and adrenals heal while i worked through talk therapy. Bear beer camping i hate people full printing ugly christmas sweater i may not be a vet but ptsd is the same. and the reason there are so many suicide is that ptsd triggers the very core of flight or fight and when the pain and triggers are too much, death is the final flight.
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We absolutely owe them that and more. Not only supports but all the medical needs that is required. And jobs, a different purpose in life with the support of family. Yes, they are owed all the help needed because they have earned it. Unless you have experienced or have children Bear beer camping i hate people full printing ugly christmas sweater that are experiencing these PTSD and brain injury, you cannot know their pain. Our Veterans need all of the support we can give them.

Humans are mental physical emotional and spiritual beings. To be a complete person one must continue to grow in all of these areas throughout life. 20 service members/vets a day killing themselves a long way from acceptable. So maybe the crowd that is offended by telephone poles could shut the fuck up for a while and allow some healing on a spiritual level. ptsd is a horrible disorder that can not be fixed with drugs. i was lucky and found a chiropractor that helped my body
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