and miss using the word of God to become a world power Celine dion courage world tour shirt It’s called education, if these kids were actually educated they would more than agree with conservative politics. As it stands they can’t even produce a reasonable argument for their beliefs.
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But I tell you all something people. What the stakes are right now today we had it all better take the time to explain some things to our young people. Not talking about that waste of space like David Hogue. He could be an inspiration.. You could urge your children to not be like him. l read and l listen to preachers preach and Celine dion courage world tour shirt l believe what’s written period . You play blind mand bluff if you want that’s your right . My right is to believe and pray and speak the truth .

You choose to do what you want l and l will continue to go my way in the name of Jesus Christ . And meanwhile the Vatican continues to change Christian doctrines continues to cover up crimes against humanity they are single handedlly have been responsible for the rape of children the church it self have been responsible for a history of crimes against humanity and all the while using
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