End of story . Only he makes arrangements for his creation. Christmas nutcrackers you’ll love nutcracker merry christmas poster And far as i understand all his actions are perfect except maybe for your backwards thinking but then again youbhave free will and that clearly lacks love of god.
Christmas nutcrackers you’ll love nutcracker merry christmas poster
So God lives and he is there.. And yes the bible was written by people but they where being lead by the Holy spirit when they where writing the Bible, if the Bible was just a mere book we wouldn’t be having it by now coz many people by then tried to destroy it… That is the book of life… yes love is love. And also what is wrong is wrong…. Correcting someone on what they are doing wrong it is also love…. Christmas nutcrackers you’ll love nutcracker merry christmas poster That is pure love…. You don’t Watch some taking wrong decisions and you leave them and you tell you self that by leaving to do

what they want am showing them love coz l don’t want to judge… god creates everyone . If he created people he didn’t love the world would be so different . He make subs how we are . So who are we to say we’re wrong for what we like and who we like . He made us to like those things and those people . So who are we to tell other people they’re wrong for that . He made us how he wanted and he loves us how we are .
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