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The proposed new rule would put an additional 380,000 tons of methane into the atmosphere from 2019 to 2025, an amount that is roughly equivalent to more than 30 million tons of carbon dioxide. custom name united states navy veteran ugly sweater The EPA noted that while increased pollution as a result of the proposal “may also degrade air quality and adversely affect health and welfare,” their plan will save $75 million in regulatory costs annually. Governor Jerry Brown of California called the administration’s proposal “perhaps the most obvious and dangerous and irresponsible action by Mr. Trump – and that’s saying quite a lot.” Following Trump’s election large amounts of climate information from the EPA website was altered or removed. There was widespread concern among environmentalists and scientists and a coalition of scientific and academic groups began to make copies of the EPA web pages before they were deleted.
According to the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative which tracks changes to government websites under the Trump administration, over 200 web pages providing climate information were omitted during Trump’s first year in office. Other pages were altered to remove mentions of climate and climate change. In August 2017, the Trump administration rolled back regulations that required the federal government to account for climate change and sea-level rise when building infrastructure. Trump has frequently criticized environmental rules calling them “burdensome” and responsible for slowing work on infrastructure projects. In January 2020, Trump proposed changes in the Environmental impact statement process as required by the National Environmental Policy Act , which was passed in 1969. NEPA changed environmental oversight in the U.S. by requiring federal agencies to consider whether a project would harm the air, land, water or wildlife.

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