but I also don’t approve of women hitting men either! Cute cows blanket Keep your hands to yourself! My counselor told me big girls use your words and big boys use your words. But if one or the other crosses the line, and leaves no room for exiting the situation this means do not follow
Cute cows blanket
If I hit you, and I have no just cause… and you hit me back. You didn’t instigate it. Pick your battles. If you wanna start, be sure you know you can take whats due you in return. Equal is equal. Keep fighting for equal rights, but do not say “except for this, that and the otjer thing.” That’s NOT equal. she says! Yeah well keep your hands to yourself. If a lady wants to throw hands on a man then goodluck but in saying that… guys just try and stay cool Cute cows blanket cause you ain’t gonna win when the cops get involved zzzz!! Will end up throwing hands in the cells whoopi on point yo Keep your hands to your self!

If you don’t, you run the risk of being hit back no matter what a man has been taught, everyone has a breaking point and everyone feels physical pain and women are capable of hurting a man just as much as he is capable of hurting her! Woman throw things at men or hit them with things and that’s dangerous! If you hit a man and physically hurt him you could end up badly beaten or in some cases dead! I don’t approve of men hitting women
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