century and beyond is assessed. Ice sheets gain or lose mass through changes in surface mass balance , the Dabi my hero academia anime 3d night light led sum of accumulation and ablation controlled by atmospheric processes, the loss of ice to the ocean though melting of ice
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from ESL events. Global-scale projections of ESL event changes including wave setup indicate a very likely increase of the global average -year ESL of cm under RCP. Vousdoukas , c. Changes in storm surges and waves enhance the effects of relative SLR along the majority of northern European coasts, with contributions up to in the North Sea Vousdoukas . As the global climate changes, rising sea levels, combined with high tides, storms and flooding, put coastal and island communities increasingly at risk. Protection can be achieved by building dikes or seawalls and by maintaining natural features like mangroves or coral reefs. Communities can Dabi my hero academia anime 3d night light led also adjust by reclaiming land from the sea and adapting buildings to cope with floods. However, all measures have their limits, and once these are reached people may ultimately have to retreat. Choices made today influence how coastal ecosystems and communities can respond to sea level rise in the future. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions would not just reduce risks, but also open up more adaptation options. A warming climate is expected to affect wind patterns and storm characteristics, which in turn will impact wind waves that contribute to high coastal water levels. Wind-wave projections are commonly based on dynamical and statistical wave models forced by projected surface winds from GCMs, notably those participating in the CMIP. In the framework of the Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Project , an ensemble of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase -based global wave projections Hemer , was produced and the results were summarised in the AR . Casas-Prat expanded the geographic domain to include the Arctic Ocean, highlighting the vulnerability of high-latitude coastlines to wave action as ice retreats.
Reduced sea ice allows larger waves and stronger cyclones in the Arctic Ocean, which can further disrupt and break up sea ice , Thomson and Rogers, Day and Hodges. A review and consensus-based analysis of regional and global scale wave projections, including CMIP-based projections, has been provided by Morim as part of COWCLIP. Projections of annual and seasonal mean significant wave height changes agree on an increase in the Southern Ocean, tropical eastern Pacific and Baltic Se and on a decrease over the North Atlanti northwestern Pacific and Mediterranean Sea. Projections of mean significant wave height lack consensus over the eastern North Pacific and southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Projections of future extreme significant wave height are consistent in projecting an increase over the Southern Ocean and a decrease over the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Regional projections of wind-waves have mostly been applied to Europe so far, while highly vulnerable regions have been largely overlooked. This is the case for low-lying islands where impacts of SLR and wave-induced flooding are expected to be severe and adaptive capacity is reduced Hoeke , Albert . Sea level changes have been discussed throughout the various IPCC assessment reports as SLR is a key feature of climate change. Complex interactions between the oceans and ice sheets only recently have been recognised as important drivers of processes that can lead to rapid dynamical changes in the ice sheets. Understanding of basal melt below the ice shelves, ice calving processes and glacial hydrological processes was also limited. Projections of future sea level in the IPCC th Assessment Report AR; Lemke , were presented with the caveat that dynamical ice sheet processes were not accounted for, as our physical understanding of these processes was too rudimentary and no literature could be assessed Bindoff . In AR Church , a first attempt was made to quantify the dynamic contribution of the ice sheets, although still with modeling based on limited physcis, relying mainly on an extrapolation of existing observations Little , and a single process based case study Bindschadler . Here the focus is on sea level changes around coastlines and low-lying islands, updating the GMSL rise by including a new estimate of the dynamic contribution of Antarctica. The mechanism driving past and contemporary sea level changes and episodic extremes of sea level is explained, and confidence in regional projections of future sea level over the st
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