concessions or “give backs” which results in a loss of wages or benefits. emt paramedic skull american flag full over printed shirt This is a highly divisive measure among the union membership
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An absolutely critical and necessary element for any bargaining table. CORPORATE CAMPAIGN – The use of strategic pressure on an employer’s weak areas to emt paramedic skull american flag full over printed shirt gain leverage during a contract campaign or organizing drive. These campaigns involve analyzing an employer’s social, financial, and political networks and mobilizing union members and community members in a comprehensive approach which does not rely on the strike alone as the basis of the union’s power. COOLING OFF PERIOD – Under the Railway Labor Act , a period when parties that are at a collective bargaining impasse are prohibited from engaging in self help. When the NMB believes that mediation efforts will not result in an Agreement, the Board will make a “Proffer of Arbitration,”
which if rejected by either party the NMB releases the parties from mediation to enter a “30-Day Cooling-Off Period.” During the 30-Day Cooling-Off Period the parties continue negotiations to reach an agreement and normally reach an agreement during this period. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement during the Cooling-Off Period, either party can engage in “Self Help.” For the Union, Self Help means engaging in activities that may inflict economic harm on the Company, up to and including a strike. For the Company, Self Help includes the right to unilaterally impose their changes to our Contract, or to lock us out. The end of the 30-Day Cooling-Off Period is commonly referred to as the “strike deadline,” which almost always provides the time pressure needed to resolve the remaining issues in negotiations. During the Cooling-Off Period, the NMB invites the parties to further mediate the negotiations. CONCESSIONARY BARGAINING – Negotiations in which the union agrees to and accepts

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