it just amplifies the residual hearing they have. Friends tv show classic quote poster they will not be able to hear fully and will still need to learn another way of communication. all I’m doing is stating facts while you’re watching you’re “inspirational porn.”
Friends tv show classic quote poster
Oh ffs why do u people have to argue about everything. The purpose of the video is for us to see the joy on these little babies’ faces when they hear for the first time. Who the hell cares what u call it??? It’s ridiculous how some of u latch on to something negative and just run with it. Making it about yourselves. Friends tv show classic quote poster Just shut up and move along!!! and go away who really gives a shit what you think? It’s a blessing these babies can hear sounds , that’s all that matters!

My God why can’t people just shut the fuck up and keep their negative thoughts to themselves? Fucking debbie downers, go away go away, no one cares what you have to say you butthurt fucks GO AWAY! I’m am not being negative and maybe you should keep you’re mouth shut about topics you know nothing about. Hearing aids and cochlear implants arent cures for being Deaf/Hard of Hearing…the baby is still Deaf!
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