5 These county and local government entities employ millions of workers and german shepherd galaxy bedding set provide direct services to every resident. Simply put, local governments affect the daily lives of every American in ways both big and small.
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38 The policy states that the city will strive to inform diverse applicants of job openings through media and referral agencies, inform current employees of opportunities german shepherd galaxy bedding set for promotions and consider restructuring or creating positions to provide promotional opportunities, and evaluate managers partly based on their efforts to increase diversity. Ritsema also made the city’s human resources director its equal employment opportunity officer, responsible for implementing the equal employment opportunity plan. The plan further explains how Kalamazoo will ensure equal employment opportunities, including informing managers and employees about the equal employment policy and the plan’s goals, modifying the city’s recruitment methods to reach diverse applicants, and monitoring employment decisions such as hiring, promotions, salary changes, and terminations to ensure compliance with the city’s
nondiscrimination policy and to make corrective actions as necessary. 39 The Kalamazoo plan, unlike the policy, does not explicitly mention sexual orientation and gender identity, but in order to ensure that affirmative action steps apply to LGBTQ people, executives should ensure that any equal employment opportunity plan is explicitly LGBTQ-inclusive when it outlines recruitment, monitoring, and any other steps. Local executives manage governments that implement thousands of federal and state programs, in addition to creating community-based programs that are designed to serve residents at the local level. The programs administered by local jurisdictions are diverse and encompass health, human services, economic security, education, and criminal justice services. The total annual expenditures of all local governments across the United States amounts to $1.72 trillion. 4 There are currently more than 3,000 county governments and nearly 36,000 active city and town governments in the United States.
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