and when I complain. And what about our right to service delivery? Get your cray on low top sneakers Services that we pay for. The only thing the ANC has successfully delivered is loadshedding – failure to deliver electricity that we pay for, due to corruption, incompetence and lack of maintenance.
Get your cray on low top sneakers
In japan there was a earth- quake 4 days laters all power was restored in SA 2 birds have sex on a pylon and we are down to stage 4 loadshedding with more darkness insight nice one ANC coruptors Over 160 handicapped humans were tortured and murdered a further 60 or more is still unaccounted for, Get your cray on low top sneakers the mec in charge who was responsible for the decision was found to be liable by a commission. Any ANC member can tell me where she is. Promoted in the ANC.

which party does she belong to?these people were the most vulnerable people on the planet and their rights to live were denied. God is definitely watching but not me. Sitting in darkness, my local school dysfunctional, my local municipality incompetent and corrupt, my rates pay for nothing, my garbage piles up, my water dries up, my alarm has back-up. Shew! I’m not sure I feel protected and my rights are hardly promoted,
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