consensus between the reported ranges of GMSL rise .. Projections vary in the rang . and Given anime 3d night light led respectively for the confidence interval for the confidence interval. There is, however, medium agreement that
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system . Detailed modelling of sea ice , however, suggests that summer sea ice can return within a few years after its artificial removal for climates in the late th and early st centuries. Further studies Armour , Boucher , Ridley , modelled the removal of sea ice by raising CO concentrations and studied subsequent regrowth by lowering CO. These studies suggest that changes in Arctic sea ice are neither irreversible nor exhibit bifurcation behaviour. It is therefore plausible that the extent of Arctic sea ice may quickly re-equilibrate to the end-of-century climate under an overshoot scenario. Some IAMs manage this transition by effectively protecting carbon stored on land and focusing on the conversion of pasture area into both forest area and bioenergy cropland. Some IAMs explore .-consistent pathways with demand-side measures such as dietary changes and efficiency gains such as agricultural changes s .. and ., which lead to a greatly reduced CDR deployment and Given anime 3d night light led consequently land-use impacts van Vuuren . In reality, however, whether this CDR has large adverse impacts on environmental and societal goals depends in large part on the governance of land use ..; Obersteiner , Bertram , Humpenöder . The degree to which BECCS has these large land-use footprints depends on the source of the bioenergy used and the scale at which BECCS is deployed. Whether there is competition with food production and biodiversity depends on the governance of land use, agricultural intensification, trade, demand for food , feed and timber, and the context of the whole supply chain ., Fajardy and Mac Dowell, Booth, Sterman . In summary, in the absence of adaptation, in most cases, warming of poses greater risks to urban areas than warming of ., depending on the vulnerability of the location coastal or non-coastal , businesses, infrastructure sectors , levels of poverty, and the mix of formal and informal settlements. Marine organisms ‘ecosystem engineers’, such as seagrass, kelp, oysters, salt marsh species, mangroves and corals, build physical structures or frameworks ,, sea grass meadows, kelp forests, oyster reefs, salt marshes, mangrove forests and coral reefs which form the habitat for a large number of species Gutiérrez .
These organisms in turn provide food, livelihoods, cultural significance, and services such as coastal protection to human communities B . While many risks have been defined through laboratory and mesocosm experiments, there is a growing list of impacts from the field that include community-scale impacts on bacterial assem Endres , coccolithophores , pteropods and polar foodwebs Bednaršek , phytoplankton and macroalgae Webster , Ordonez , as well as excavating sponges, endolithic microalgae and reef-building corals . Some ecosystems, such as those from bathyal areas ,, m below the surface, are likely to undergo very large reductions in pH by the year . to . pH units, yet evidence of how deep-water ecosystems will respond is currently limited despite the potential planetary importance of these areas Hughes and . A large number of threatened systems, including mountain ecosystems, highly biodiverse tropical wet and dry forests, deserts, freshwater systems and dune systems, were assessed in AR. These include Mediterranean areas in Europe, Siberian, tropical and desert ecosystems in Asi Australian rainforests, the Fynbos and succulent Karoo areas of South Afric and wetlands in Ethiopi Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In all these systems, it has been shown that impacts accrue with greater warming, and thus impacts at are expected to be greater than those at . Increases in drought, dryness or precipitation deficits projected in some regions compared to the pre-industrial or present-day conditions, but substantial variability in signals depending on considered indices or climate model . There is little
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