in any of my comments by calling them names? Gone with the wind 80th anniversary quilt I respect people and everyone has the rights to their opinion. You don’t know me but you choose to call me a “nut.” Well I would rather be a nut for JESUS than a fool for satan. Have a blessed day.
Gone with the wind 80th anniversary quilt
She’s not telling the whole story. Where are the people shouting, “If she would have just done what the police told her to …”? She was being a nuisance, her music was too loud, she was confrontational and uncooperative with the police. If you reframe this story in the context of the defendant being a young black man, what do you think might have happened? Gone with the wind 80th anniversary quilt And ask what side of the issue would your outrage fall then? The woman is a nut job looking for attention.
The police were there investigating a noise complaint and instead of talking to them like a sane person, she dropped down on her floor and started praying. Nut job. Think it’s not happening? In 2012 a Pastor was locked up in Arizona for having prayer meeting in his home with his family and if you search the internet you will find more of these “hush, hush” cases. The Bible assure us that “When we see these things to look up for our redemption draweth nigh.” you notice I never disrespected anyone

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