They are legitimate patients in the hospital with I.D. bracelets, Hammer of thor forever we are one viking full printing shirt drumming up insurance bills, you people are arguing over if they are humans yet or not? Ask the insurance companies. Ask their moms and dads.
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when i say a prayer of thanksgiving that she let me live. so, you see, you are not really all that important in the grand scheme of things. Ok, let’s say you’re right. The alternative? I’m going to murder my baby so I can live a better life and don’t have to worry about standing up to my responsibility for this child that Hammer of thor forever we are one viking full printing shirt I created because I didn’t use birth control.

The time to decide if you can or can’t handle this is not after conception. It’s before! I think it’s funny that y’all are arguing on fb what a human life is, when I work in NICU taking care of preemies who are 23… 24 weeks gestation, who are responsive, hold my finger with their tiny hand, open their eyes, look at me, grimace and cry like a tiny kitten when we have to stick them for lab work.
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