I refuse to be an Eleanor Rigby. This may seem harsh, Harry potter hogwarts castle full printing ugly christmas sweater but my many chronic illnesses mean no one really understands me. A funeral would be a farce in this respect. I think it would be in very poor taste for people to attend a funeral for someone
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I would rather have a tree as a headstone and for my children to visit a forest than a cemetery if they wanted that connection. I don’t think this is allowed in Australia. My old work mate said he wanted to be buried in Norfolk, then plant cabbages on top, and hoped he did well. Harry potter hogwarts castle full printing ugly christmas sweater And he meant it. Another old friend died of cancer. He wanted no service, no fuss, just cremated and his ashes buried

under the oak in his field, with his piece of string, a £1 coin and his old pen knife that he always carried. He had his wish. I lost all my loved ones to a divorce and cutting dead. The main reason I continue is for my sons. The few friends I have, though dear to me, live their own lives as they should. This means I am alone the majority of the time. I’ve already decided that when I die, I won’t have a funeral.
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