Hey a little late to the draw here but I also have severe allergies where antihistamines horse colorful bedding set don’t help at all- and when pregnant are not classified as safe drugs.
horse colorful bedding set
Whete have my rights to breathe without an issue when i travel. I dont cant have peanuts while on a plane when you are aboard then its the same with me , no animals on plane when i am aboard. horse colorful bedding set My civil rights are as much imyas the animal rights people have, except humans come first not the animal . Bottom line is if you have a medical issue you carry medication. If you did not have medication you would have to live inside a bubble and never leave home. I have a service dog which is my medication. My wife has allergies to nickel and seafood and she carries medication and epi-pen because bottom line you will never be able to avoid having a reaction.
Animals are everywhere strays, pets and working animals. If you expect the hotel to never have any animal in it then we should also expect that nobody is able to bring peanuts, seafood, nickel items, etc etc etc the list of what people are allergic to goes on and on. Reality is it will never happen you just have to leave home prepared with your medication. Just as my wife can not expect the guest who stayed in the room prior did not order seafood for room service and it dripped all over the furniture as the juice and residue alone will cause her to break out. Maybe the guest prior was eatting nuts in the bed and there is nut dust and crumbs spread all over the room and stuck in the carpet. Just prepare yourself anytime you leave home and realise your not the only one with a medical issue.
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