they should do it” does not take into consideration the desires I am a social worker honesty and warmth love and trust poster or will of the deaf person. It should be their choice. That is where the issue lies. Of course, in the case of these babies, it was up to their parents.
I am a social worker honesty and warmth love and trust poster
Some of you people are headed straight to Hell and need to read a BIBLE before it’s too late cause everyone can see you never have before and DON’T know or understand what, when, why, where and how the “FALL OF MAN” happened! Good Grief, geesh, get educated people! You’re absolutely right and I can say this since I grew up with deaf family members and I stand by this , I am a social worker honesty and warmth love and trust poster if anyone can make any deaf person hear , they should do it . Those deaf people that oppose this is being absolutely ridiculous and selfish.

Besides, this is what makes it insane.They have no clue on what it feels like to hear so how for the love of sanity do they even say they’re against it ?! My poor Mom ( who already always knew she didn’t like being deaf , asked me when I was a child… what does a bird sound like ? My heart broke and I spend a lifetime always feeling bad. Normally, I don’t get involved in the comment sections on Facebook, but a few of your statements concerned me. Specifically, your sentence, “if anyone can make any deaf hear,
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