this roller coaster of feelings. Thank you for your kind words. I married you because i can’t live without you i love you fleece blanket I do wonder how opening up to strangers is much more easier than opening up to your own loved ones. Pain and our experiences appears to connect us all.
I married you because i can’t live without you i love you fleece blanket
I too lost someone and had found my life shattered. I am still recovering and courage and strength of people like you give the push to find peace and ccontentment. I absolutely found comfort I my relationship with (my nondenominational) God. I hope you find your way through the grief of losing someone you love. I married you because i can’t live without you i love you fleece blanket I am nearly 10 years out from the experience so I know that

(for me) time helps, therapy helps, and loving relationships help. Most important, though, is self love: patience, kindness, and grace. My loss is quite recent and the stabbing pain is persistent. I keep wondering, how I can go on and so far am managing. Reading the stories of others going through the same tough phase kind of makes me introspect that if they can, so can I. I do hope I can live through
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