more comical than watching someone sitting on top of a time bomb bitching I took a dna test god is my father veterans are my brothers all over print shirt about how time bombs are made up bulls**t created to control us! Then I did anyways. Then I laughed.
I took a dna test god is my father veterans are my brothers all over print shirt
It’s the pain you. Ring to Gods faithful; the way you cast Christianity down with the likes of Islamic fundamentalism; the way you narcissistically look down on them, and destroy their ability to hear God calling on their hearts… And it’s the way you make me Sin… I took a dna test god is my father veterans are my brothers all over print shirt By making me laugh at you slowly slipping into the abyss. You can’t see atoms,

but they are what you are made of. You can’t see the Air, but you can see the wind work in mysterious ways. You accept these things sight unseen, and yet you can’t wrap your head around the belief that life is more than one dimension; that we are somehow greater than the sum of our molecules. And you try so hard to disprove something that has more reasons to believe than it doesn’t. There truly is nothing
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