lmfao no one is walking away lady, don’t be ridiculous!!! I’m the bestie warning bestie may be drunk and lost also just send help shirt conservative are mostly anti lgbt rights!!! you have no idea what you are talking about and to even suggest that is crazy. no, you are wrong.
I’m the bestie warning bestie may be drunk and lost also just send help shirt
I hope that the couple got married and that their dreams of a happy reunion were met. People need to have rights also, not just LBGT. I hope this couple will look to the *WalkAway Movement so that they can see the support offered to them in all groups. You are wrong, people do not have I’m the bestie warning bestie may be drunk and lost also just send help shirt the right to force anyone to do something that is against their beliefs or will. You are saying that if someone tells or asks you to shoot someone
and you refuse that it could end them up in jail. Business owners should have the right to refuse customers at their will. Who do you think you are saying different. So if our politicians believe one way even if it is unlawful they can do what they want. You are truly a Socialist to insist that we all follow your lead. How sad. he did not win the right to do this, and it’s still illegal. nope. no one has to go somewhere else, no one. baker broke the law. people do have rights. using religion to break laws is not a right.
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