l remember the spirit world it was so beautiful the air was so fresh In this house we love germany poster and l will never forget the day l was in the spirit world the l didnt want to come back but the lord say to peach th ed bible until he feel the right time for me to go back to the spirit world everything the happen
In this house we love germany poster
why are we arguing with them? stop it! they are urging you to fight. our father wants us to love. we are witnesses through what people see in us and how we react and handle situations like this. stop. pray for them and move on. because your certainly not gonna win them over in this post.In this house we love germany poster i’m so happy the little girl kinnady is doing well and is healthy. god bless her and her parents I have seen this video so many times to pop up on my newsfeed

and I only managed to watch the first 10 seconds this time I watched it all I am flood ing with tears what a beautiful strong little girl all the love that’s in that family shows very well stay strong beautiful girl I believe you it thing happen to me too l died in the hospital l saw myself in the spirit work there were six person waiting for me were inth white clothes and talk to me my mind without movement in my lips and say it not time for me not to come the l have work on earth to preach people here l am alive again
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