We had the last row on both flights so I was able to discreetly nurse her for landing and takeoff. Iron maiden full printing ugly christmas sweater I was so glad she didn’t cry (although she did scream almost the entire drive from Boston to Cape Cod, and it was my father in law driving. But he already loves her, so the behavior didn’t matter as much
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I work at a coffee place and getting to interact with toddlers, babies and their older siblings makes my day a little brighter no matter how bad it’s been. I love seeing the toddlers’ faces light up when I give them an empty espresso cup with a lid so they can pretend to drink coffee what you are feeling is normal. Iron maiden full printing ugly christmas sweater i experienced that fear of not being a fit mother several times. the good news: you are a fit mother. if you didn’t care — you wouldn’t be so worried!

if you are feeling overwhelmed, please reach out for help from family & friends. that goes for after pregnancy as well as before. bless your heart and your baby…you will both love one another so very much. be good to yourself. Hugs This is so amazing. I have been seeing this with my little girl, too. She is 9 months old and smiles all the time, at everyone. She is so daring and wants to explore everything. She has no sense of danger yet.
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