interdependent world, with consideration of synergies and trade-offs. Emission pathways, in particular, are Kakegurui anime 3d night light led broken down into policy options and instruments. The role of technological choices, institutional capacity and global-scale trends like urbanization and changes in ecosystems are assessed. Third,
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up of industry-sector CCS is essential to achieving the stringent temperature target. Development and demonstration of such projects has been slow, however. Currently, only two large-scale industrial CCS projects outside of oil and gas processing are in operation . The estimated current cost of CO avoided ranges from for gas processing and bio-ethanol production, and tCO− for fossil fuel-fired power generation up to tCO− for cement production . Reaping energy efficiency potentials hinges critically on advanced management practices, such as energy management systems, in industrial facilities as well as targeted policies to accelerate adoption of the best available technology see .. Although excess energy, usually as waste heat, is inevi, recovering and reusing this waste heat under economically and technically viable conditions benefits the overall energy system. Furthermore, demand-side management strategies could modulate the level of industrial activity in line with the availability of resources in the power system. This could imply a shift away from peak demand and as power supply decarbonizes, this demand-shaping potential could shift some load to times with high portions of low-carbon electricity generation . Global final energy, direct CO emissions from the all energy demand sectors, carbon intensity, and structure of final energy . Nuclear power increases its share in most . pathways with no or limited overshoot by , but in some pathways both the absolute capacity and share of power from nuclear Kakegurui anime 3d night light led generators decrease .. There are large differences in nuclear power between models and across pathways Kim , Rogelj . One of the reasons for this variation is that the future deployment of nuclear can be constrained by societal preferences assumed in narratives underlying the pathways
. pathways with no or limited overshoot no longer see a role for nuclear fission by the end of the century, while others project about of nuclear power in ure .. See top panel for explanation of the bar plots. Total CDR is the difference between gross and net cumulative CO emissions over the period , and it is equal to the sum of the contributions. Cumulative net negative emissions are the difference between peak and net cumulative CO emissions. The blue shaded area depicts the estimated range of the remaining carbon budget for a two-in-three to one-in-two chance of staying below.. The grey shaded area depicts the range when accounting for additional Earth system feedbacks. Trajectories for the illustrative .-consistent archetypes used in this LED, S, S, S; referred to as P, P, P, and P in the Summary for Policymakers. are highlighted. S is a sustainability oriented scenario, S is a middle-of-the-road scenario, and S is a fossil-fuel intensive and high energy demand scenario. LED is a scenario with particularly low energy demand. Population assumptions in S and LED are identical. Panels show world population, gross world product in purchasing power parity values, final energy demand, and food demand. Impacts of non-CO climate forcers on temperature outcomes are particularly important when evaluating stringent mitigation pathways W . However, many uncertainties affect the role of non-CO climate forcers in stringent mitigation pathways. As described in Cross- Box in , scenarios are comprehensive, plausible, integrated descriptions of possible futures based on specified, internally consistent underlying assumptions, with pathways often used to describe the clear temporal evolution of specific scenario aspects or goal-oriented scenarios. We include both these usages of ‘pathways’ here. Having a lower energy demand increases the flexibility in choosing options for supplying energy. A larger energy demand means many more low carbon energy supply options would need to be used. Response options and associated enabling conditions emerge next, in . Attention is directed to exploring questions of adaptation and mitigation implementation, integration, and transformation in a highly
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