through the northern hemisphere autumn to moderate strength . . below normal. The atmosphere also Katsuki bakugo light my hero academia anime 3d night light led responded with stronger-than-average trade winds, indicating a coupling with the sea-surface temperatures. La Niña conditions are associated with above-average hurricane activity in the North
Katsuki bakugo light my hero academia anime 3d night light led
approximately US billion. Large-scale evacuations of coastal areas in India and Bangladesh meant that casualties from Amphan were far lower than the number of casualties from previous comparable cyclones in the region. Nevertheless, lives were lost across the two countries. Amphan reached category intensity while over the Bay of Bengal, and although it weakened somewhat before landfall as a category storm, it still led to extensive wind and storm surge damage in the city of Kolkata and surrounds. Later in the season, Cyclone Gati made landfall in north-eastern Somalia on November, the first instance since satellite records began of a cyclone making landfall in Somalia at hurricane intensity. Abnormal low-elevation snowfalls occurred in Katsuki bakugo light my hero academia anime 3d night light led Tasmania in early August. On August, snow settled to sea level in Launceston in the city’s most significant snowfall since . Liawenee, in the central highlands, reached −. on August, a Tasmanian record low. Later, in October, a major cold outbreak brought exceptionally low temperatures and winter precipitation across a broad region of the Rocky Mountains and central states. A damaging ice storm in Oklahoma City saw power outages which lasted for days across more than half the city, while further north, Potoma Montana reached −. on October, the earliest autumn date on which temperatures had fallen below − at a climate station anywhere in the United States . A number of exceptionally large wildfires, including the largest fires ever recorded in the states of California and Colorado, occurred in the western United States in late summer and autumn, contributing to the largest area burned nationally in the last years. Widespread drought conditions through the western half of the United States, particularly the interior south-west, contributed to the fires, as did a very weak summer monsoon. The three-month period from July to September was the hottest and driest on record for the south-west United States, and was the driest year on record for Nevada and Utah. Abnormal lightning activity in coastal California in mid-August also ignited many fires. The most destructive fires were in California and western Oregon, with over structures destroyed in California and over destroyed in Oregon; deaths and US . billion in losses were attributed to the fires across multiple states. There were also a number of episodes of extreme heat. Death Valley reached .
on August, the highest known temperature in the world in at least the last years, while . was reached on September at Woodland Hills, which was a record for greater Los Angeles. The highest temperature ever recorded was . and was reached at Furnace Creek, California on July . A temperature of . was recorded in Kebili, Tunisia on July ; this was a record for the eastern hemisphere. Severe drought affected many parts of the interior of South America in , with the worst-affected areas being northern Argentin Uruguay, Paraguay and the western border areas of Brazil. Most of the provinces of northern Argentina had one of their five driest years on record, with Buenos Aires experiencing its second driest year. Rainfall for the period was also far below average in Paraguay and Uruguay. Estimated agricultural losses were near US billion in Brazil, with additional losses in Argentin Uruguay and Paraguay. River levels were so low that river transport in Paraguay was disrupted. Peru also experienced drought conditions between January and March, mainly in the north of the country.As the drought continued, a major heatwave stretched across the region in late September and early October, extending east and north to cover much of the interior of Brazil. The temperature reached . on October at Nova Maringá and Água Clar and individual locations which had their hottest day on record included Cuiab Curitib Belo Horizonte and Asuncion. There was significant wildfire activity across Argentin Brazil and Paraguay from mid-year onwards, with some of the most serious wildfires occurring in the Pantanal wetlands in western Brazil. Sea-surface temperatures at the end of were close to or exceeded El Niño thresholds in the Niño . region. These temperatures persisted into the early months of , but the event did not strengthen, and sea-surface temperature anomalies in the eastern Pacific fell in March. After a six-month period of neutral conditions that is, sea-surface temperatures within . of normal the cool-phase, La Niñ developed in August and strengthened
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