However, the authority of both representatives may be limited law enforcement houston police department skull full over printed shirt or subject to final agreement of the union membership or management’s board of directors . Therefore, it is appropriate for parties to make clear
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in which the employer inevitably claims that such concessions are necessary for the good of the company’s continued existence or profitability. law enforcement houston police department skull full over printed shirt These concessions made in wages and benefits are almost never reinstated even when the employer’s profitability is restored. COMPLAINT – A finding issued by the NLRB or public labor commission of “probable cause” of a violation of labor law. Such a complaint is a step in the process following a “charge” being filed that may lead to a formal unfair labor practice hearing or a settlement of the issues in the complaint. COMPARABLE WORTH – The evaluation of jobs traditionally performed by one group of workers to establish whether or not the worth of those jobs to the employer is comparable to the worth of the jobs
traditionally performed by white men and the payment of extra wages to those occupying comparable jobs but receiving less income. CEASE-AND-DESIST ORDER – A written statement issued by the labor board requiring the employer or union to abstain from conduct which has been found to be an unfair labor practice. CAPTIVE AUDIENCE MEETING- A union term for meetings of workers called by management, on company time and property. Usually the purpose of these meetings is to try to persuade workers to vote against union representation. CANVASS – A method of talking individually to every member of a bargaining unit to either convey information, gather information on a survey, or plan for united action. AUTHORITY TO BARGAIN – Both parties, the union and the employer, are required to send a representative to the bargaining table who has sufficient authority to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement.

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