of course, will save the staff turnover costs formerly associated with recordkeeping. lion Jesus is my God my life my all my everything full over printed shirt l Includes estimated 501,640 needlesticks and sharps not now recordable that are covered by the final rule.
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The estimated total annual savings will be $105,043. Continuously Covered Establishments. Establishments that were covered by the former rule and will be covered lion Jesus is my God my life my all my everything full over printed shirt by the final regulation will save the costs for certification by the recordkeeper, but will incur new costs for certification by a responsible company official. This change in requirements results in an estimated total annual cost of $20,604,232. The former rule required the recordkeeper to certify that the entries on the Summary were true, accurate, and complete. The final rule requires a company executive to certify that he or she has examined this document and “reasonably believes, based on his or her knowledge of the process by which the information was recorded, that the annual summary is correct and complete.”
b One-time cost that is annualized over 10 years at a discount rate of 7 percent. Newly Exempted Establishments. Establishments that were covered under the former regulation but are exempted under the final regulation will incur a saving of 90 minutes whenever staff turnover would have required a new recordkeeper. At a 20 percent turnover rate, the net annualized savings of eliminating the need for this learning activity are $945,309. Establishments required to keep OSHA records will incur the costs associated with learning about the recordkeeping system from scratch whenever a new person takes over the recordkeeping job as a result of staff turnover. OSHA assumes that 20 percent of covered establishments will experience such staff turnover in any given year. Establishments that are newly covered by the regulation will also incur the costs of learning the recordkeeping system de Novo. Establishments that are newly exempted under the regulation,
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