property and freedom are the same thing. in my property i grant you, or not, the previlege to exercise your freedom. in your property you grant me, or not, Liverpool fc you’ll never walk alone poster the ability to exercise my freedom. but only in my property can, and should i, exercise freedom without being granted by you, or anybody else.
Liverpool fc you’ll never walk alone poster
therefore you serve who you want, in this case, you bake for whom you want. forcing others to do with their private property what we want, and worse, using the law to interfere, is authoritarianism, fascism, is trying to boss other people´s property. the only sensible thing to do in this case is to go and look for people who are willing to serve us as costumers, never to force business to do what we want, against their will. Liverpool fc you’ll never walk alone poster i am positive that if the market grows in that respect, many will be absolutely fine in baking the cake, and even publicize it, if it brings them profits,

which i am sure it will. this is the problem with the left and leftist ideas in general: they never, ever, respect other people´s private property, which is to say, they never respect rights, which is again to say, never respect freedom. you do not have the “rigth” to have a cake baked, you can only buy a service if others are willing to provide it for you. so there is nothing hypocrit about this matter, it relies, and can only be analysed, in the notion of private property, that is , freedom.
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