And I shouldn’t be afraid of being kicked off the flight for requesting lovely strawberry bedding set a seat farther away from the animal. I live in Florida and I’m going to write a letter this weekend. Every time I have an allergy attack, I find my way back to this post.
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I have one of the top Immunologist in the country he writes emphatic letters. As does my pulmonologist. I think that it is going to come down to separate flights. And or law suits. lovely strawberry bedding set The flight’s with separate planes is a good idea but my asthma and pet allergies are triggered. Y cats and dogs. While some are eligible for immunological therapies some that have respiratory disease or muscular dystrophy or other health concerns can not. For some reason, old-fashioned “seeing-eye dog” owners don’t cause the same issues and are much more socially responsible than people who call their spoiled pets “service animals”.
in fact, in my neighborhood, they seem to be the only ones that properly “curb” their dogs in the gutter. I don’t deny that some animals do some good for some people. HOWEVER, 2 of my kids have extreme dander allergies . We did not realize until 2 hours into an 11 hour flight that the sudden coughing fits were really asthma brought on by the cat seated in the row in front of us. Hives and swollen/black eyes followed. I now travel with Benadryl pills that i can mush up (children’s liquid bottle size exceed FAA regulations), as well as a rescue inhaler to share. With all these people being kicked off flights for no reason, I am afraid to speak up, but I wish animal owners understood the implications of their pets being on board and at least let people around them know that Fido is under the seat.
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