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offs and amplify synergies between options. Implications of different approaches to calculating aggregate greenhouse gas emissions on a pathway to net zero. Warming commitment from past emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols. Climate scenarios and pathways are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, with a wide range of overlapping definitions . The international community continues to largely support the Paris Agreement and agrees in on reduction targets for CO emissions and time frames for net zero emissions. However, these targets are not ambitious enough to reach stabilization at of warming, let alone .. Temperatures with a chance of occurrence at any location within a -year time frame are shown, corresponding to GMST Mewtwo pokemon anime 3d night light led anomalies of . Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase multimodel ensemble. The plots display the th percentile and th percentile values of mean temperature , yearly maximum daytime temperature and yearly minimum night-time temperature , sampled from all time frames with GMST anomalies of . in Representative Concentration Pathway . model simulations of the CMIP ensemble. From Seneviratne . How ocean circulation is changing towards . and warmer worlds, including vertical mixing, deep ocean processes, currents, and their impacts on weather patterns at regional to local scales.
Deep sea processes and risks to deep sea habitats and ecosystems. Based on the sensitivities summarized by Levermann , the contributions of thermal expansion . . m and glaciers . m but falling at higher degrees of warming mostly because of the depletion of glacier mass, with a possible total loss of about . m amount to . . m and . . m in . and warmer worlds, respectively. The bulk of SLR on greater than centennial time scales will therefore be caused by contributions from the continental ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctic whose existence is threatened on multi-millennial time scales. based on the estimate for mean potentials by Smith . Note that biophysical impacts of land-based CDR options besides albedo changes , through changes in evapotranspiration related to irrigation or land coveruse type are not displayed. Internal and international migration have always been important for small islands Farbotko and Lazrus, Weir . There is rarely a single cause for migration . Numerous factors are important, including work, education, quality of life, family ties, access to resources, and development . Depending on the situation, changing weather, climate or environmental conditions might each be a factor in the choice to migrate . Adaptation measures can be applied to shellfish, large pelagic fish resources and biodiversity, and they include options such as protecting reproductive stages and brood stocks from periods of high ocean acidification , stock selection for high tolerance to redistribution of highly migratory resources , Pacific tuna , governance instruments such as international fisheries agreements protection and regeneration of reef habitats, reduction of coral reef stresses, and development of alternative livelihoods , aquaculture; Bell , . The Amazon tropical forest has been shown to be close to its climatic limits Hutyra , but this threshold may move under elevated CO Good . Future changes in rainfall, especially dry season length, will determine responses of the Amazon forest Good . The forest may be especially vulnerable to combined pressure from multiple stressors, namely changes in climate and continued anthropogenic disturbance Borma , Nobre . Modelling Huntingford , and observational constraints Cox , suggest that large-scale forest dieback is less likely than suggested under early coupled modelling studies Cox , Jones . Nobre estimated a climatic threshold of of warming and a deforestation threshold of . While evidence over the last years and during the Last Glacial Maximum was discussed in detail in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Masson-Delmotte , the climate system response during past warm intervals was the focus of a recent review paper Fischer , summarized in this Box. Examples of past warmer conditions with essentially modern physical geography include the Holocene Thermal Maximum HTM; broadly defined as
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