I loved more deeply and I noticed the good in everything. Michigan wolverines merry christmas full printing shirt Of course there are bad days and shitty people but they truly open both your heart and your eyes to the kindness that still exist in this world. They make you want to be a better person.
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Now, I smile. Always a large, engulfing grin. I let the positivity radiate and I see it reflected. I see how people respond with their own, and each time someone comes up to me to remark on that warmth, a little chip gets replaced. I think we all need this reminder lately. Michigan wolverines merry christmas full printing shirt There’s so much good in the world. Not to say we shouldn’t try to change or call attention to the negative, but it’s amazing

how much I’ve had to remind myself of this lesson so often lately. My mind was blown by this with my first son as well! I always said if we could all just treat each other as kindly as we treat babies and as babies treat others, the world would be a much more loving place I’ve always thought of my children as the portal to all that is good and kind in this world. Once they were born, I forgave more easily,
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