However, high capture rates are technically achievable now at higher cost, although efforts to date have My hero academia hawks anime 3d night light led focussed on reducing the costs of capture IEAGHG, NETL. The share of energy from renewable sources increases in all . pathways with no or limited overshoot, with the renewable energy share of primary
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values above tCO− that are also found as net present values of the shadow price of carbon in . pathways. These factors include accounting for tipping points in the climate system low social discount rate Nordhaus, Stern, and inequality aversion Schmidt . Along the optimal trajectory determined by CB the SCC equals the discounted value of the marginal abatement cost of a metric ton of CO emissions. Equating the present value of future damages and marginal abatement costs includes a number of critical value judgements in the formulation of the social welfare function , particularly in how non-market damages and the distribution of damages across countries and individuals and between current and future generations are valued Kolstad . For example, since My hero academia hawks anime 3d night light led climate damages accrue to a larger extent farther in the future and can persist for many years, assumptions and approaches to determine the social discount rate normative ‘prescriptive’ vs. positive ‘descriptive’ and social welfare function , discounted utilitarian SWF vs. undiscounted prioritarian SWF can heavily influence CBA outcomes and associated estimates of The . pathways require an acceleration of the mitigation solutions already featured in -consistent pathways , more efficient vehicle technologies operating on lower-carbon fuels, as well as those having received lesser attention in most global transport decarbonization pathways up to now , mode-shifting and travel demand management. Current-generation, global pathways generally do not include these newer transport sector developments, whereby technological solutions are related to shifts in traveller’s behaviour. The potential and strategies to reduce energy consumption and CO emissions differ significantly among transport modes. In ETP-BDS, the shares of energy consumption and CO emissions in for each mode are rather different see , indicating the challenge of decarbonizing heavy-duty vehicles , aviation, and shipping. The reduction of CO emissions in the whole sector from the reference scenario to ETP-BDS is in , with varying contributions per mode ..
Since there is no silver bullet for this deep decarbonization, every possible measure would be required to achieve this stringent emissions outcome. The contribution of various measures for the CO emission reduction from the reference scenario to the IEA-BDS in can be decomposed to efficiency improvement , biofuels , electrification , and avoidshift . It is noted that the share of electrification becomes larger compared with older studies, reflected by the recent growth of electric vehicle sales worldwide. Another new trend is the allocation of biofuels to each mode of transport. In IEA-BDS, the total amount of biofuels consumed in the transport sector is EJin , and allocated to LDV light-duty vehicles, , HDV , aviation , and shipping , that is, more biofuels is allocated to the difficult-to-decarbonize modes see .. In , the buildings sector accounted for of total global final energy use, of final electricity demand, and of energy-related CO emissions . When upstream electricity generation is taken into account, buildings were responsible for of global energy-related CO emissions, with one-third of those from direct fossil fuel consumption . In .-overshoot pathways, the carbon intensity of non-electric fuels consumed by industry decreases to gCO MJ− by , compared to gCO MJ− in -consistent pathways. Considerable carbon intensity reductions are already achieved by , largely via a rapid phase-out of coal. Biomass becomes an increasingly important energy carrier in the industry sector in deep-decarbonization pathways, but primarily in the longer term in , biomass accounts for only of final energy consumption even in .-overshoot pathways. In addition, hydrogen plays a considerable role as a substitute for fossil-based non-electric energy demands in some pathways. CCS combined with fossil-fuel use remains limited in some . pathways Rogelj , as the limited . carbon budget penalizes CCS if it is assumed to have incomplete capture rates or if fossil fuels are assumed to continue to have significant lifecycle GHG emissions Pehl .
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