trade-offs may occur between the feasibility dimensions, and between specific mitigation and adaptation options My hero academia katsuki bakugoe 3d night light led … The presence or absence of enabling conditions would affect the options that comprise feasibility pathways , and can reduce trade-
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short-distance vehicles and the rail sector. In road freight transport , systemic improvements , in supply chains, logistics, and routing would be effective measures in conjunction with efficiency improvement of vehicles. Shipping and aviation are more challenging to decarbonize, while their demand growth is projected to be higher than other transport modes. Both modes would need to pursue highly ambitious efficiency improvements and use of low-carbon fuels. In the near and medium term, this would be advanced biofuels while in the long term it could be hydrogen as direct use for shipping or an intermediate product for synthetic fuels for both modes . My hero academia katsuki bakugoe 3d night light led Comparison of direct CO emissions and carbon intensity of the power and energy end-use sectors between IAMs and sectoral studies . Final energy demand is driven by demand in energy services for mobility, residential and commercial activities , and manufacturing. Projections of final energy demand depend heavily on assumptions about socio-economic futures as represented by the SSPs Bauer , he structure of this demand drives the composition of final energy use in terms of energy carriers electricity, liquids, gases, solids, hydrogen etc..
TBox plots show median, interquartile range and full range of pathways in each temperature class. Pathway temperature classes , illustrative pathway archetypes, and the IEA’s Faster Transition Scenario OECDIEA and IREN are indicated in the legend. Primary energy supply for the four illustrative pathway archetypes plus the IEA’s Faster Transition Scenario OECDIEA and IREN , and their relative location in the ranges for pathways limiting warming to . with no or limited overshoot . Box plots show median, interquartile range and full range of pathways. Pathway temperature classes . and illustrative pathway archetypes are indicated in the legend. Values following the class labels give the number of available pathways in each class. SLCFs include shorter-lived GHGs like CH and some fluorinated gases as well as particles , their precursors and ozone precursors. SLCFs are strongly mitigated in . pathways, as is the case for pathways ure .. SLCF emissions ranges of . and pathway classes strongly overlap, indicating that the main incremental mitigation contribution between . and pathways comes from emissions reductions are connected in situations where SLCF and CO are co-emitted by the same process, for example, with coal-fired power plants or within the transport sector Fuglestvedt . Many CO-targeted mitigation measures in industry, transport and agriculture s .. hence also reduce non-CO forcing l . Overall these variations do not strongly affect estimates of the .-consistent timing of global peaking of GHG emissions. Both Below-. and .-low-OS pathways show minimum maximum ranges in that do not overlap with ranges, indicating the global GHG emissions peaked before in these pathways. Also, and GHG emissions in .igh-OS pathways only overlap outside their interquartile ranges. Variations due to different scenario assumptions related to the future evolution of non-CO emissions. temperature to be .. The temperature changes from the period are expressed in changes of global near-surface air temperature. At the present rate, global temperatures would reach . around . Stylized . pathway shown here involves emission reductions beginning immediately, and CO emissions reaching zero by . Three specific challenges arise in the treatment of uncertainty and risk in this report. First, the current state of the scientific literature on . means that findings based on multiple lines of robust evidence for which quantitative probabilistic results can be expressed may be few in number, and those that do exist may not be the most policy-relevant. Hence many key findings are expressed using confidence qualifiers alone. With each effect, the interplay between different conditions influences the feasibility of both pathways and options , which in turn affect the likelihood of limiting warming to .. The complexity of these interplays triggers unavoidable uncertainties, requiring transformations that remain robust under a range of possible futures that limit warming to .. The six feasibility dimensions interact in complex and place-specific ways. Synergies and
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