Over the ocean, unusual warmth was observed in parts of the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The pattern of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the Pacific is characteristic of La Niñ having cooler-than-average My hero academia tamaki amajiki anime 3d night light led surface waters in the eastern equatorial Pacific surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped band of
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advantages they have near-global coverage but optical observations can be interrupted by clouds. Used with ground-based observations, either as complementary data sets, or for validation and calibration, they form an invaluable part of the global observing system. was an exceptionally warm year for most of Russi especially Siberia. Temperatures averaged over Russia for were . above average. above the previous record set in . In parts of northern Siberi mean temperatures for the year were or more above average. The heat culminated in late June, when temperatures reached . at Verkhoyansk on June, provisionally the highest known temperature anywhere north of the Arctic Circle. Abnormal warmth also extended to other parts of the high Arctic outside Russi with temperatures reaching records on July of . at Eureka , and . at Svalbard Airport. ENSO is one of the most important drivers of year-to-year variability in weather patterns around the world. It is linked to hazards My hero academia tamaki amajiki anime 3d night light led such as heavy rains, floods, and drought. El Niño, characterized by higher-than-average sea-surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific and a weakening of the trade winds, typically has a warming influence on global temperatures. La Niñ which is characterized by below-average sea-surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific and a strengthening of the trade winds, has the opposite effect. Annual precipitation totals in monsoon-influenced regions in North Americ Afric South-West Asia and South-East Asia were unusually high in , as were extreme daily totals . The African Monsoon extended farther north into the Sahel region than usual. Monsoon seasonal totals in India were of the long-term mean, the third highest seasonal total after and . East Asia experienced abnormally high annual and extreme daily rainfall totals. The Antarctic sea-ice extent in January showed only a modest increase from the very low values of the previous years, but February saw a return to less extreme conditions. During the autumn and winter of , the Antarctic sea-ice extent was mostly close to the long-term mean but with positive ice extent anomalies near the maximum in September and October. The Arctic sea-ice extent minimum was observed on September to be .
million km, marking only the second time on record that the Arctic sea-ice extent shrank to less than million km. Only had a lower minimum extent at . million km. Vast areas of open ocean were observed in the Chukchi, East Siberian, Laptev, and Beaufort Seas, notwithstanding a tongue of multi-year ice that survived the melt season in the Beaufort Sea . The cryosphere is the domain that comprises the frozen parts of the earth. The cryosphere provides key indicators of the changing climate, but it is one of the most under-sampled domains. The major cryosphere indicators used in this report are sea-ice extent, glacier mass balance and mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. Specific snow events are covered in the High-impact events in . ure . ensemble mean time series and ensemble standard deviation -sigm shaded of global OHC anomalies relative to the climatology. The ensemble mean is an outcome of a concerted international effort, and all products used are listed in Ocean heat content data and in the legend of ure . Note that values are given for the ocean surface area between °S °N and limited to the m bathymetry of each product. ure .Area where the total ozone column is less than Dobson units. is shown in red, and the most recent years are shown for comparison as indicated by the legend. The thick grey line is the average. The blue shaded area represents the th to th percentiles, and the green shaded area represents the th and th percentiles for the period . The thin black lines show the maximum and minimum values for each day in the period. The plot was made at WMO on the basis of data downloaded fromNASA Ozone Watch. The NASA data are based on satellite observations from the OMI and TOMS instruments. The IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of . found that limiting warming to . above pre-industrial levels implies reaching net zero CO emissions globally by around , with concurrent deep reductions in emissions of non-CO forcers.
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