Global mean sea level budget over different periods from observations and from climate model base My hero academia tokoyami fumikage figure 3d night light led contributions. All values are in mm yr . Values in brackets in . are uncertainties ranging from . The climate model historical
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comprehensive approach to accounting for economic factors including changes to trade, innovation, and agglomeration, and political factors, such as policy barriers to mobility, all of which influence the migration response to environmental change. Agent-based models attempt to simulate decisions by individuals who face a variety of socioeconomic and environmental changes Kniveton . However, neither general equilibrium nor agent-based frameworks have been applied yet to migration responses to SLR. Econometric models, common in climatemigration studies , likewise have yet to be applied to the SLR context, except for a single case study where an econometric model was used to interpret the outcome of a discrete choice experiment Buchanan . For My hero academia tokoyami fumikage figure 3d night light led example, an interesting distinction between migration responses to long term temperature and precipitation trends in contrast to extreme events like flooding has been noted but similar econometric studies have yet to be done comparing responses to gradual land loss versus flooding during ESL events. There is limited evidence of migration occurring directly as a consequence of impacts associated with environmental change generally and SLR specifically. Research examining the linkages between migration and environmental change has been conducted in the . While some limited evidence was found on population movement inland associated with shoreline encroachment in Louisian USA Hauer , this research emphasises that the relationship between climate change impacts including SLR and migration is more nuanced than suggested by simplified cause-and-effect models Adger . Migration is driven by a large number of individual, social, economi political, demographic and environmental push and pull factors Black , Koubi , interwoven with mega-trends such as urbanisation, land use change and globalisation, and is influenced by development and political practices and discourses
For example, asset endowed individuals and households are more able to migrate out from flood-prone areas Milan and Ruano, Logan , while the poorest households are significantly susceptible to material and human losses following an extreme event or disruptive environmental change Call . Individual and social drivers include perceptions of environmental change Koubi , formed by both direct experience of change and indirect information from social networks, mass media and governmental agencies. Environmental factors include the longer term impacts of climate variability and change, which can erode the capacity of ecosystems to provide essential services such as availability of freshwater, soil fertility and energy production acting as a threat multiplier for other drivers of migrationHunter , McLeman. Current coastal flood risk management and adaptation practices in the Nile Delta and possible refinements using the new sea level rise and extreme sea level projections of this report, as well as findings on adaptation options, decision making approaches and governance . See Elshinnawy and text above for data sources for current practice. See Box , ure for ESL event values. Current coastal flood risk management and adaptation practices in New York City and Shanghai and possible refinements using the new sea level rise and extreme sea level projections of this report, as well as findings on adaptation options, decision making approaches and governance . See Xian for background on current practice and practice consistent with SROCC assessment. See Box , ure for ESL event values. EbA is ecosystem-based adaptation. As a consequence of climate change, the global and regional mean sea level will change. Coupled climate models are used to make projections of the climate changes and the associated SLR. Results from the CMIP model archive used for AR provide information on expected changes in the oceans and on the evolution of climate, glaciers and ice sheets. New estimates from CMIP are not yet available and will be discussed in the IPCC th Assessment Report , hence only a partly updated projection can be presented here.
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