He took money from our veterans by cutting funds to veteran administration. He cut the funds to children born with life threatening disease to help but there medication. No matter how difficult the days may get never forget the reason you became a nurse poster But money from senior citizens good assistant. I could go and on . So anyone please tell me what he has done.
No matter how difficult the days may get never forget the reason you became a nurse poster
when my statement goes unanswered as to why does the Right meltdown over taxes YET are completely OK with paying for the Prison For Profit system and illegal, unconstitutional wars? I will answer for you… Big Daddy issues. The Right believes in a Big Daddy in the sky and so they have to implement their own version of Big Daddy here on earth, No matter how difficult the days may get never forget the reason you became a nurse poster a salivation over Justice, and illegal wars that do not benefits Americans we are left with a bunch of Rightie Copsuckers

ng used to wipe the asses of the Military Industrial Complex. The Right busts a nut everytime the U.S. engages in illegal wars and pound their palms everytime they make the U.S. the Largest Prison State on Earth. I just want to know what has he done so great tax reform go into effect next year. Our employment grow was already growing from previous administration.
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